Class PreAuthorizationCancellation

Process IPC method: IPCPreAuthorizationCancellation. Collect, validate and send API params

Extended byMypos\IPC\PreAuthorizationCancellation

Methods summary

#__construct( Mypos\IPC\Config $cnf )

Return purchase object

public Mypos\IPC\PreAuthorizationCancellation
#setOrderID( string $orderID )

Purchase identifier - must be unique

public Mypos\IPC\PreAuthorizationCancellation
#setCurrency( string $currency )

ISO-4217 Three letter currency code

public Mypos\IPC\PreAuthorizationCancellation
#setAmount( mixed $amount )

The amount for completion

public Mypos\IPC\Response
#process( )

Initiate API request

public boolean
#validate( )

Validate all set purchase details

public string
#getCurrency( )

ISO-4217 Three letter currency code

public string
#getOrderID( )

Purchase identifier

public mixed
#getAmount( )

The amount for completion

Properties summary

Properties inherited from Mypos\IPC\Base
