This documentation is specific to the Java SDK use only and contains information about installation, samples, set up different configurations, and advanced settings.



  • Requests should be made from a public IP address.  
  • The URL_Notify should be an SSL-enabled address only, i.e. it must start with "https://". Unsecured URLs will be treated as wrong and transactions will be reversed by the system.
  • Upon HTTP request, the Merchant should respond with header HTTP 200 OK with the following body content: “OK”. Every other response will be treated as a communication error, call error, server error or system malfunctions.


The SSL keys, issued by myPOS, are in a format that is incompatible with the Java SDK. In order to use them, they must be converted by the OpenSSL toolkit.

  1. Save the private key and API certificate, generated by myPOS, as files ("privateKey.pem" and "apiCertificate.pem" for example)
  2. Open a console in the directory in which the files with the keys are saved
  3. Run `openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -outform PEM -in privateKey.pem -out privateKey_converterd.pem -nocrypt` to convert the private key to the proper format
  4. Run `openssl x509 -pubkey -noout -in apiCertificate.pem > publicKey.pem` to extract the API public key from the generated certificate

NOTE: Make sure there are no extra lines or spaces before and after the "-----" in the certificate.

If JSON is going to be used as a communication format, the Jackson library must be added as a dependency.


Our myPOS Checkout Java SDK includes all the documentation related to Java SDK. Everything from SDK to Sample Codes to other resources. Here are a few quick links to get you there faster.


Reference and other resources are available at the following locations: