This documentation is specific to the Java SDK use only and contains information about installation, samples, set up different configurations, and advanced settings.
- Requests should be made from a public IP address.
- The URL_Notify should be an SSL-enabled address only, i.e. it must start with "https://". Unsecured URLs will be treated as wrong and transactions will be reversed by the system.
- Upon HTTP request, the Merchant should respond with header HTTP 200 OK with the following body content: “OK”. Every other response will be treated as a communication error, call error, server error or system malfunctions.
The SSL keys, issued by myPOS, are in a format that is incompatible with the Java SDK. In order to use them, they must be converted by the OpenSSL toolkit.
- Save the private key and API certificate, generated by myPOS, as files ("privateKey.pem" and "apiCertificate.pem" for example)
- Open a console in the directory in which the files with the keys are saved
- Run `openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -outform PEM -in privateKey.pem -out privateKey_converterd.pem -nocrypt` to convert the private key to the proper format
- Run `openssl x509 -pubkey -noout -in apiCertificate.pem > publicKey.pem` to extract the API public key from the generated certificate
NOTE: Make sure there are no extra lines or spaces before and after the "-----" in the certificate.
If JSON is going to be used as a communication format, the Jackson library must be added as a dependency.
Our myPOS Checkout Java SDK includes all the documentation related to Java SDK. Everything from SDK to Sample Codes to other resources. Here are a few quick links to get you there faster.
Reference and other resources are available at the following locations: